Shipping items from stock: 1-2 days - - - Delivery within Slovenia: 2-3 days - - - Free delivery for Slovenia: 50+ EUR - - - Free returns & exchange within 14 days



We hope you love Ursanina products.

However, if you're not completely satisfied with the product, it is pretty simple to return them. Please inform us in writing at

The product must be returned in its original condition within 14 days after a written message together with the invoice and a filled-in return form. Upon receipt of an undamaged returned product, we will refund your purchase based on the request (return or exchange form) within eight (8) days.

In accordance with the second paragraph of 43.d. (Slovenian Consumer Protection Act), the company must return the received payment to the consumer who has availed himself of the right of withdrawal, immediately or within 14 days of receipt of the notice of withdrawal. In accordance with Article 43d, paragraph 7, the consumer only covers the costs of returning goods in connection with the withdrawal.

We do not accept shipment with ransom (pošiljka z odkupnino). 




You may exchange only items bought direcly from webshop. Items bought at other locations must be exchanged through them.

You can sent the items back to us, including the invoice and a return form. Address: Ursanina, Urša Cigler, Rožna ulica 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (EU). You should add relevant info about which size and/or colorway would you like to replace it for.