Shipping items from stock: 1-2 days - - - Delivery within Slovenia: 2-3 days - - - Free delivery for Slovenia: 50+ EUR - - - Free returns & exchange within 14 days

Ballerina Flats - COTTON - PETROLEUM

Price: 35.99€

Available Options

* Size and your foot length:

Please add an ankle strap:

Your ankle circumference (in cm):

Qty: Add to Cart

We deliver the ordered products to the selected delivery service within 1 to 2 working days after payment confirmation (except in the case of cash on delivery).


The delivery time depends on the type of delivery and the delivery service chosen::

  • Standard and tracked parcels sent via Post Slovenia usually arrive within 3 working days.
  • Cash-on-delivery (COD) shipments via Post Slovenije or GLS usually arrive within 1-2 working days.
  • Shipments via GLS arrive within 1-2 working days.


  • products which are not in stock and need to be sent to production
  • made-to-order (customized) products 



The price of shipping charges within Slovenia depends on the total amount of the order (not including postage):








Pošta Slovenije

Standard, no tracking

up to 49,99 EUR

2,50 EUR

up to 3 work days

Pošta Slovenije

Standard, no tracking

over 50 EUR


up to 3 work days

Pošta Slovenije


up to 99,99 EUR

3,50 EUR

up to 3 work days

Pošta Slovenije


over 100 EUR

4,50 EUR

up to 3 work days

Pošta Slovenije

Cash on delivery**


4,50 EUR

1-2 work days

GLS Slovenija

Tracking and/or cash on delivery***


4,50 EUR

1-2 work days


* applies to items sent by standard mail via Post of Slovenia

** The Cash on Delivery package will be waiting for you for 14 days from delivery service notification. In the case of an undelivered package, the customer will be charged the cost of the undelivered package (EUR 3.00 + the cost of returning the package) in addition to the contractual penalty in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions accepted at the time of placing the order.

 *** GLS tracking:







Pošta Slovenije


Within EU

8,00 EUR

Pošta Slovenije


Outside EU

11,00 EUR




Depending on destination




LAST UPDATE: 21 September 2022



We hope you love Ursanina products.

However, if you're not completely satisfied with the product, it is pretty simple to return them. Please inform us in writing at

The product must be returned in its original condition within 14 days after a written message together with the invoice and a filled-in return form.

In accordance with the second paragraph of 43.d. (Slovenian Consumer Protection Act), the company must return the received payment to the consumer who has availed himself of the right of withdrawal, immediately or within 14 days of receipt of the notice of withdrawal. In accordance with Article 43d, paragraph 7, the consumer only covers the costs of returning goods in connection with the withdrawal.

We do not accept shipment with ransom. Refunds will be made no later than 7 days after returning to stock.




You may echange only items bought from or any of our official selling locations (i.e. Christmas fair in downtown Ljubljana). Items bought from other locations mush be exchanged through them.

You can sent the items back to us, including the invoice and a return form. Address: Ursanina, Urša Cigler, Rožna ulica 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (EU). You should add relevant info about which size and/or colorway would you like to replace it for.

You may also visit us at our workshop by making an appointment via +386 31 631 002.


<1017 19,8 - 20,432
10,1 - 1118 20,5 - 2133
11,1 - 11,619 21,1 - 21,734
11,7 - 12,320 21,8 - 22,335
12,4 - 1321 22,4 - 2336
13,1 - 13,722 23,1 - 23,637
13,8 - 14,423 23,7 - 24,338
14,5 - 1524 24,4 - 2539
15,1 - 15,625 25,1 - 25,740
15,7 - 16,326 25,8 - 26,341
16,4 - 1727 26,4 - 2742
17,1 - 17,728 27,1 - 27,743
17,8 - 18,429 27,8 - 28,344
18,5 - 1930 28,4 - 2945
19,1 - 19,731 29,1 - 29,746
   29,8 - 30,447

How to measure your foot size?
Please follow our instructions here.

Te vaše balerinke imam vsakodnevno v službi že dve leti. Super so, še posebej za mojo nogo, ki ima halux in me vsak čevelj  žuli. Edini minus je da se noge prav razvadijo na tako udobje :) lep dan.

Balerinke so ... ne najdem pravih besed .... FANTASTIČNE!!! :)
Kot copati, mehke in sila udobne!
Prvi, vendar zagotovo ne zadnji nakup!!!



Balerinke so na "prvo nogo" top...jih nosim po hiši, jutri pa v službo. Tudi velikost je ustrezna. Na golo nogo so super udobne, občutek mehkobe, domačnosti in take sproščene, pa še lepo zgledajo, nevsiljive in za povsod. Noben te nemore grdo gledat, ce imas to obuto. Hvala.


... Hkrati moram pa še pohvaliti vaše čudovite izdelke, če bi lahko, bi menda pokupila kar vse! Nekaj let že veselo skačem naokrog v vaših balerinkah, tokrat boste obuli pa še tri četrtine mojih otrok. :D
Lep teden vam želim.

Najboljše balerinke od pomladi do jeseni. Ko je mrzlo, nas grejejo (recimo v tem vremenu), ko je vroče pa noge ne gorijo. Super zadovoljna. Hvala



Danes sem prejela vaše balerinke: črne s pikami. Res so udobne: vauuu. Pa še mehke zraven. To sem iskala.

Liebes Ursanina-Team, ich habe heute meine Bestellung bekommen und bin total begeistert.
Die Ballerinas und die Schuh-Clips sind soooooooooooooo schön J. So schöne Ballerinas habe ich in Deutschland noch nicht gefunden…
Vielen Dank dafür und liebe Grüße




Pozdravljena, balerinke so čudovite, kot da bi hodila v copatah. Hvala.

Najbolšje balerinke kar sem jih kdaj kupila  brez nogavic, lahke in najboljše!


Res so super. Ni bojazni za žulje. Kot bi bila cel dan v copatih.


Balerinke so prispele in so prekrasne!!!! Kot ulite, noro udobne in res kjut! Še enkrat najlepša hvala, lp,


100x hvala za balerinke! Tako udobnih nisem imela še nikoli v življenju. Res so super lepe in udobne ;-).
Vse dobro še naprej,


U...rsanina ballerinas are beautiful
R...ealy nice and colorful.
S...o, what pair do you want ya,
A...sking you Antoni Ja?
N...ow spring is comming out
I...magine in ballerinas we will walking out.
N...ow i will click like on this post
A...nd wait for a little luck at most.

Charming, comfortable, light, breathable and soft Ursanina spring-summer ballerina flats are perfect for the active urban woman with sensitive feet. They are most comfortably worn without socks. What makes them special is their sole, made of 100% wool felt. Thanks to wool's fantastic natural characteristics, your feet will feel extremely comfortable during all seasons. Acting as a natural insulator, wool keeps your feet warm in winter and prevents them from overheating and sweating in summer. This incredible material is breathable, it radiates excessive heat, absorbs moisture, and dries up quickly. No more smelly feet!

The upper part is made of cotton or microfibre (depending on the model) and has no stiff parts, providing the softest blister-free feel you could possibly want.

The sole is completely flexible and offers healthy natural barefoot-like walking. The heel is slightly raised with an additional 5 mm layer of felt. The bottom part of the sole is layered with non-slip natural rubber.

>>> If you like your footwear completely flat, check out our barefoot-friendly version here. <<<

Weighing only at about 150g a pair, they make an ideal traveling shoe. Aside from being extremely lightweight, they take up no more space than a folded Cosmopolitan and can be easily packed into a handbag or a suitcase.

Ursanina ballerina flats are available in 15+ colour variations. When combined with our leather flower shoe clips (separate item), the colour combinations are nearly endless.
Cotton versions are available in black, navy blue, beige, teal/petroleum, jeans/denim, dotty black (polka dot), dotty blue (polka dot), dotty red (polka dot), red, dotty green (polka dot), grey
Microfiber variants: white, champaign, yellow, pink, dark magenta, violet, mint, green, old pink

After a few days of use, Ursanina ballerina flats stretch by up to half a size. Please note the cotton models stretch a bit more than the microfiber ones. They will most likely feel a bit tight on the first try. In this case, we advise you to wear your ballerinas around the apartment for a few days to stretch them. You can speed up the process by lightly spraying the front of the shoe with water and tightly stuffing them with soft plastic bags. Leave for a day or two and try them on again. If they still seem too tight, you probably need a larger number.

If you like an even more reliable and comfortable shoe, we can also add a leather ankle strap. In this case, please measure your leg circumference just above your ankle and inform us of the measurement in centimetres.

Our Esential Ballerina Flats are usually in stock and are ready to ship within 1 or 2 working days of your payment. All the other variants (The Special Ballerinas, customized model we call Unique, all barefoot-friendly  versions or the ones you want with an ankle strap) are made-to-order, meaning they are produced within 10-14 days of your payment.

You may choose from EU sizes 36-43. Other sizes or in-between sizes are available as a customized order.

Sole: wool felt, natural rubber
Exterior: cotton fabric
Strap (optional): natural leather, metal buckle

When they get dusty, remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner.
Wipe off any stains with a damp microfibre cloth.
The shoes are washable at 30°C. Use wool programme (!) with gentle wool detergent. Before washing, remove any dust with a vacuum cleaner.
Before the first use we advise you to spray the shoes with waterproofing insulation spray.


Interested in the story behind the creation of Ursanina Ballerinas? Find out more in our blog post.